September 2020 Minutes

American Legion Minutes

September 17, 2020


The meeting was called to order by Commander Jennings-Flynn at 1900 hours. The Officer Roll was a called and a quorum was present.

Chaplain Mackellar opened the meeting with a prayer.

Sgt at Arms Michael Flynn presented the colors and the POW/MIA chair cover.  Attendees recited the pledge of allegiance and the preamble to the Legion constitution.

George Snell, Jr. made a motion to dispense with the reading of the Minutes of the August meeting as they had already been sent to all members prior to the meeting.  The motion was seconded by David Holguin.  Motion passed by voice vote.

We had three new members in attendance, John Schleider, Sr., Daryl Mattison, and Don Midkiff.  Introductions were made by all in attendance.  In addition, Donna Ritts joined the Legion as well.  She is presently the President of the ALA.

Finance report was presented by George Snell, Jr.  Activity for SAL, ALR and the Post were discussed.  There were no other reports.  It was noted that Service Officer David Stephens was absent for a second meeting and Chaplin Mackellar volunteered to contact David to see if we can do anything for him.

Old Business:

George Snell told the group he bough a device that allows folks who don’t want to meet as a group to call in and participate that way.

Oratorical competition will be coming up soon with local competitions in December and District in February.  All HS students are eligible to participate. It was agreed that HS contacts will be the same as last year.  David Holgiun mentioned Hillsdale College has a series of videos on the Constitution available on line which would be very helpful to participants.  Google: Hillsdale College free courses.  There are 12 lectures each about 30 minutes.

Richard Cole, president of the riders, gave us an updated ARL roster.


New Business:

The National convention will be closed.  However, Jim Honaker will be attending and will report back following the meetings.

Commander Jennings-Flynn appointed Brad Halliday as 2nd Vice Commander.  A swearing in ceremony will take place at a later date.

Sick Call:  Pat Rogers is ill and Elroy Hirsch’s nephew was seriously injured in an automobile accident earlier this week.  Please pray for them.

Good of the Legion:  No reports.

The meeting was adjourned at 2010 hours.


Respectfully submitted,


Edward Schott – Adjutant